When the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) held the first edition of the Mining Convention in 1954, its main goal was to support skill and knowledge building among mining professionals, by sharing scientifically based research on mining, success stories in the global industry, technological innovations, and other technical topics.

The Technology, Innovation and Sustainability Forum (TIS Forum), an event that is part of PERUMIN, has enabled us to keep this tradition alive. Each edition is attended by hundreds of professionals from the different fields currently engaged in the mining production process, namely engineering, economics and finance, taxing, the environment, social sciences, health, among others.

PERUMIN 36 will give us a new chance to broaden our knowledge about cutting-edge topics, thanks to the prominent Peruvian and foreign professionals who will share their professional experiences and scientific research in each of the areas explored by the TIS Forum. It will also allow attendees to expand their network and strengthen their relationships in a sector that requires alliances, joint work, and talented professionals.

Welcome to our TIS Forum program. 

Juan Carlos OrtizPresident of the Technology, Innovation and Sustainability Forum (TIS Forum)

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