Cajamarca, JULY 11 2024PERUMIN announced in Cajamarca the call for entries for the National School Mining Award


The contest is divided into four categories, and the students may present their works in Spanish or Quechua. Registration will be open until September 20th.

PERUMIN introduces mining to children. Primary and secondary students from Cajamarca are getting ready to participate in the National School Mining Award, which is being developed throughout the country as an initiative organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), with the support of the Professional School of Mining Engineering of the Catholic University of Santa María de Arequipa (UCSM).

The contest, which has been held annually since 2022, is intended to foster knowledge among children and teenagers about mining practices in the country, promote their interest in this productive activity, and encourage research and creativity among them. Participation will be divided into four categories: 1st-3rd grade elementary students in storytelling; 4th-6th grade elementary students in theater performance; 1st-3rd grade secondary students in scale modeling; and 4th-5th grade secondary students in social and environmental responsibility in action. All categories will accept entries in Spanish and Quechua.

In the framework of the event Heading to PERUMIN “Opportunities for the Comprehensive Development of Cajamarca,” the participation of local students in prior editions of the contest, along with the support of their respective schools and teachers, was highlighted. For instance, the cases of Romina Fernanda, a student at the "I.E.E. MB Santa Teresita" school, winner of the Short Story Category in 2022, and Nayeli Claret, a student at “82722 - El Tingo - Hualgayoc” school, winner in the category of Theater Performance in 2023.

“The purpose of this award is to learn about the vision that schoolchildren have of our productive activity and that they can express a message to society through their talent and creativity. We want to bring our industry closer to children, so that they know about it and, perhaps, in the future, they might consider it as an opportunity for professional development,” said Jimena Sologuren, president of the PERUMIN 37 Organizing Committee.

During the event, the winners shared with authorities, university students, and representatives of mining companies, their experiences while participating in the contest, motivated and guided by their teachers and schools, as well as what it meant for them to travel and to receive an award in the framework of PERUMIN. “Awakening the curiosity and creativity of children is precisely what motivated the development of this contest,” said Javier Rosas, member of the National School Mining Award Organizing Committee of PERUMIN 37.

Registration and contest rules for the National School Mining Award are available on the IIMP website (see). The call will be open until September 20, including prizes ranging from S/ 3,000 to S/ 5,000 for educational institutions, and technological devices for the students and advisory teachers.

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