In our first and second edition, important mining companies, key actors, and sector allies joined forces to define and prioritize, based on their background, challenges and opportunities to address through innovation.

In this third edition, once again, through a collaborative and reflective process that begins with the work of executives and that, together with an organizational culture of innovation promoted within mining companies and key sector organizations such as the government and academia, has allowed the identification and characterization of the main challenges, making them available to different innovation groups to collectively search for solutions.



Bennett, Genevieve & Ruef, Franziska. 2016.
Alliances for Green Infrastructure: State of Watershed Investment 2016.
Elsa Galarza. 2018.
Documento Base para el atributo “Minería Ambientalmente Sostenible”. Universidad del Pacífico – CEMS.
International Finance Corporation. 2020.
Promoviendo oportunidades para las mujeres y el sector privado. Herramientas con acciones y estrategias para compañías de petróleo, gas y minería. International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC.
International Finance Corporation. 2020.
Unlocking Data Innovation for Social License in Natural Resources. International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC.
Manuel Glave. 2020.
Minería en Perú y Chile: se necesita elevar la calidad del diálogo. Ojo Público.
Minerals Council of Australia. 2020.
Immediate Reform Priorities to Accelerate Economic Recovery.
Omar Narrea. 2018.
AGENDA 203: La minería como motor de desarrollo económico para el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 8, 9, 12 y 17. CIES-GIZ.
Programa Expande. 2019.
Innovación Abierta en Minería Modelos e Implementación.
Sociedad Nacional de Minería, Petróleo y Energía. 2018.
Fuerza Laboral Minera del Perú 2018.

Collaborate to InnovateACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

In this third edition, we appreciate the participation in the characterization of challenges from Alpayana, Anglo American Quellaveco, Compañía De Minas Buenaventura, Compañía Minera Antamina, Compañía Minera Antapaccay, Compañía Minera Apumayo, Compañía Minera Poderosa, Compañía Minera San Ignacio de Morococha, Gold Fields La Cima, Minera Bateas, Minera Chinalco Perú, MINSUR, Nexa Resources Perú, Sierra Metals, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, and Southern Peaks Mining.

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