Lima, SEPTEMBER 20 2023Rosa María Flores-Arao Says, “ PERUMIN is the Main Platform for Analyzing the Challenges of the Mining and Energy Sector”

Rosa María Flores-Arao Says, “ PERUMIN is the Main Platform for Analyzing the Challenges of the Mining and Energy Sector”

In an interview with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), Rosa María Flores-Araoz, CEO of Kallpa Generación, shared the main challenges that our country faces in strengthening its energy matrix with renewable sources. She also provided some details about the Clean Energy segment, which she will moderate at the PERUMIN 36 Mining Summit.

What is the importance of addressing the issue of clean energy in the Mining Summit?

PERUMIN is the main platform for various actors in the mining-energy sector to analyze the key issues on which both industries are working. Without a doubt, the promotion of more sustainable activities to further consolidate our renewable energy matrix will play an important role in this summit.

What are the new developments in clean energy at PERUMIN this year?

As part of the Mining Summit and given the importance of promoting sustainability in our activities, on Wednesday, September 27, at 4 p.m., I will have the honor of moderating the session titled “Clean Energy: Evolution and Global Trends.”

This session aims to contribute to the analysis of these topics based on experiences in other countries, such as the case of Chile, which will be discussed by expert José Venegas, former executive secretary of the National Energy Commission, alongside a panel of prestigious and prominent professionals from our country's mining-energy industry.

Who will represent the Peruvian experience?

We will have César Butrón, president of the Committee for the Economic Operation of the National Interconnected Electrical System (COES); former minister Luis Miguel Castilla from Videnza Instituto; Julia Torreblanca, vice president of corporate affairs at Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde; and María Julia Aybar, vice president and president of the Hydrocarbons Sector Committee at the National Society of Mining, Petroleum, and Energy. We trust that the significant contributions of each of these specialists will serve to further expand our energy matrix efficiently, safely, reliably, and sustainably, benefiting national objectives and key industries like mining.

How would you describe the current situation of the mining industry regarding the use of clean energy?

The energy sector is a natural ally for mining, so we work together to promote a secure, reliable, and sustainable electricity supply. Mining, as the main industry in our country, operates according to international standards, demonstrating its strong commitment to sustainability. For example, it has become common practice in the electricity sector to provide renewable energy certificates to mining customers, audited by international firms, allowing them to guarantee a reduction in their carbon footprint. Additionally, thanks to technological advancements, there is a continuous effort to reduce emissions in mining processes, such as the incorporation of electric vehicle fleets.

What challenges still exist in Peru's mining industry for the use of clean energy?

There is still a long way to go. In the energy sector, we continue innovating to offer new energy solutions in line with technological advancements and the needs of more sustainable activities. Our country already has a renewable energy matrix, and the goal is to strengthen it by incorporating more unconventional renewable energy, such as solar and wind, considering all factors and maintaining system security.

Has there been any progress in the country in promoting the production of green hydrogen?

Great strides are being made for green hydrogen to become part of our energy matrix. Currently, H2 Peru, the Peruvian Hydrogen Association, is doing very important work at different levels and with various stakeholders to promote the advantages of hydrogen and its positive impact on our country.

And regarding the regulatory framework?

There are two bills being discussed in Congress to promote green hydrogen, and the Ministry of Energy and Mines is working on its roadmap. We welcome and praise the efforts of the authorities and the momentum that H2 Peru is gaining. We hope that platforms like PERUMIN will also contribute to highlighting the development of new renewable generation sources like green hydrogen.


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