Lima, MARCH 31 2023 PERUMIN Hub starts national tour to bring young innovators from universities and technical institutes on board

  • This tour has started at the PUCP and seeks to promote a closer relationship between academia and the mining sector.

PERUMIN Hub, the main open innovation program in the Peruvian mining sector, incorporated this year its new line of work "Young people who bring about transformation", which seeks to encourage the development of ideas and creativity in students from universities and technical institutes nationwide, who are interested in the mining sector.

This program began its national tour on March 30. The most representative institutions of higher education in each region will be visited, considering their involvement with the community, their experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as their level of influence in their respective territories.

"The goal of this national tour is to promote a closer relationship between young people and the mining sector, promoting, in a decentralized way, the opportunity to contribute with innovative ideas that respond to the challenges of mining". Perumin Hub - Young people who bring about transformation seeks to develop talent for an increasingly innovative mining industry", says Pamela Antonioli, general manager of the Peruvian Mining Innovation Hub, which is developing this program together with the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.

Launching together with the PUCP

The tour began in Lima, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), where the dissemination event was organized in three parts: the presentation of the PERUMIN Hub program; the challenges of the mining sector; and the innovation methodologies workshop, which allows young people to develop their innovation and creativity skills in order to generate multidisciplinary solution ideas.

In addition, during the national tour, students will be invited to participate in the "Young people who bring about transformation" contest, which will receive applications from June 20 to July 24 of this year. After an initial filter, the pre-selected candidates will be announced and their proposals will be evaluated online during the PERUMIN 36 Mining Convention, where finalists will be announced.

Other educational institutions that are part of this tour are: Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología (UTEC), Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI), Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA), Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP), Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNITRU), Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego (UPAO), Instituto de Educación Superior TECSUP, Universidad Privada de Tacna, Universidad Nacional de Moquegua (UNAM), Universidad Nacional San Antonio de Abad de Cusco (UNSAAC) and Universidad Continental (UC), among others.

The runners-up of the contest will be beneficiaries of a boot camp on innovation tools during the first semester of 2024. The recognition and award ceremony for the winners will be held in September 2024.

For further information about PERUMIN Hub and its line focused on the talent of young people, we invite you to visit the following link:

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