Lima, JULY 7 2022Rumbo a PERUMIN will discuss the importance of infrastructure for macroregional development

  • The conference will focus on the analysis of the regions of Arequipa, Moquegua, and Tacna

To continue with the sessions of the decentralized event Rumbo a PERUMIN, the next conference will be held to discuss the progress made in terms of infrastructure in the regions of Arequipa, Moquegua, and Tacna, as well as the importance of bridging infrastructure gaps to achieve macroregional development.

The conference will take place on Thursday, July 14, at 7:00 p.m., as part of Virtual Mining Thursday, and will be livestreamed to the social media accounts of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and PERUMIN Mining Convention.

On this occasion, Gabriel Daly, general manager of the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (CONFIEP), and former general director of the General Directorate of Private Investment at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, will give the presentation.

To further the analysis of this subject, there will be a panel discussion with special guests, namely: Washington Zevallos, rector of Universidad Nacional de Moquegua; Corinne Flores, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tacna; and Jorge Turpo, journalist for RPP Arequipa.

At the event, the contribution of the mining sector to the improvement of the infrastructure in these three departments will be discussed with the aim of benefiting the development of the population at a regional and a national level.

It is important to mention that in 2021, Arequipa was the region that received the second highest amount as fiscal redistribution (canon minero), with more than PEN 1.444 billion; followed by Tacna, which was in third place with over PEN 627 million. As for Moquegua, this region received PEN 458 million as fiscal redistribution, royalties, and other mechanisms. All these amounts have been used, in part, to finance the necessary infrastructure for each region.

We will find out more details about this in the session of Rumbo a PERUMIN, a decentralized virtual event that promotes a multidisciplinary, technical, and democratic discussion about mining-related matters and about the opportunities that the industry offers for the development of the regions of Peru.

This event is a prelude to PERUMIN, the most important mining convention in Latin America, which is to be held in-person at its traditional site at the Cerro Juli Convention Center, in Arequipa, from September 26 to 30, 2022.

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