ÁNCASH, OCTOBER 28 2021Technical Group presents reflections regarding good practices in water management


During the second workday of the mining event Rumbo a PERUMIN, Ancash edition, the main lessons and reflections on good practices in water management were presented by the Technical Group Multiactor de Gestión de Recursos Hídricos en la Cadena de Valor de la Minería (Multi-actor Technical Group for the Management of Water Resources in the Mining Chain Value).

This technical group, which forms part of the Rimay proposal, seeks to strengthen institutionality around water management in our country, formulate incentives for the adoption of good practices in the public and private sector and ultimately strengthen the role of citizen monitoring and vigilance of water resources.

As explained by Vinio Floris, environmental consultant of Gerens and a member of this technical group, after several sessions it was possible to define a methodology, the study of good practices cases, a route to follow and a profile for a pilot project. The group was able to identify 17 case studies of good practices in small, medium and large-scale mining.

Some of the considerations and lessons of this group with respect to good practices in water management are the importance of shared value, the multi-actor vision, the inclusion environment, the dialogue and the convening spirit, the harmonious use of technology and ancestral practices, and the nature-based green infrastructure.

“In this technical group we discussed the importance of the products we obtained, but under a great concept of sustainable development. The innovation we have seen at all levels, both locally and international, has been really amazing”. He commented.

He commented that the great objective in our country is the replicability of these good water management practices using a territorial approach. “Because we do not want to re-invent the wheel, we just want to use that same wheel or replicate that same wheel”, he pointed out.

For the time being, one of the objectives is the continuance of the technical group in the long term, and we have been working towards that and strengthening strategic alliances with institutions such as the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), CEPAL, the National Water Authority (ANA) and the Mining Innovation Hub.

Some short-term actions of the technical group, aligned with the 2030 Mining Vision, include: creating a best practices excellence certification system and positioning as a technical institution to provide services along with the State, the academia, the businesses and the civil society.

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