LIMA, SEPTEMBER 21 2021 Executive Secretary of the National Agreement on Heading to PERUMIN: "To build trust you have to know how to listen to the other"

The executive secretary of the National Agreement valued the promotion of dialogue raised in the event Heading to PERUMIN to generate consensus in the country.


During the first day of talks at the central event of Heading to PERUMIN - Bicentennial Edition "Competitive and sustainable proposals for the development of Peru", the executive secretary of the National Agreement, Max Hernández Camarero, indicated that to build trust in our country in the midst of the growing mining activity, it is necessary to be able to generate consensus through listening and dialogue with all parties involved in the development of new projects.

Hernández highlighted the processes for building trust in the country, pointing out that these should focus on three pillars: the first is the relationship of institutional actors, which includes the government, companies and local communities; then there are the social representations of the first three groups and how they handle the relationships. Finally, there are the other actors that process these relationships.

He also pointed out that the independence of these three pillars is important, since consensus building and the strengthening of trust will be impaired if we do not hold dialogue meetings that respect the participants and main actors in a given problem.

The representative of the National Agreement highlighted the development of events such as Heading to PERUMIN, since they contribute to generating large spaces that promote dialogue in our country in the search for consensus.

"At times like the present, the very notion of consensus evokes something essential for governance in democracy, for democracy, for good governance and for sustainable and responsible development," commented the executive secretary of the National Agreement.

Finally, he added that these events are a commitment to consensus and a way to share a vision of the future by inviting various actors and including the option of a translation into Quechua of the available talks.

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