Lima, FEBRUARY 16 2022 PERUMIN Hub: Leaders of mining companies define challenges to innovate in the community

  • Following the 2021 success, the open innovation program begins its next edition, which to date has the participation of 16 mining companies.


On Tuesday, February 15, the leaders of prominent mining companies participated in a discussion group organized by the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and the Mining Innovation Hub of Peru (Hub) where they discussed different issues, with a strategic view of the sector, and defined challenges for PERUMIN Hub to search for innovative solutions in three theme areas: environment and sustainability, water resources and mining 4.0.

“I would like to underscore that it is a joint effort. The mining industry in the world, mainly in Peru, is facing several challenges and the best way to address them successfully is to work together. When we speak about innovation, one may associate it to technology, but it is more than that. This morning we are precisely going to define what these challenges are, and which require an innovative view”. These were the opening words of Víctor Gobitz, President of the IIMP and of Antamina.

In turn, Pamela Antonioli, General Manager of the Hub, indicated: “If we had to have three key ideas of what PERUMIN Hub means to the mining companies, these would be: (i) to be part of an innovative community in the sector, (ii) to have access to mature and concrete solutions in a permanent manner and (iii) to generate opportunities to innovate in collaboration. Thus, beyond the contest, PERUMIN Hub will be available to share, optimize and implement innovative solutions”.

 What was and will be

The last edition had the participation of 18 mining companies and more than 40 allies from different countries, including Germany, Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, and others; which resulted in a portfolio of 22 initiatives that generated interest among the mining companies. For this year, we expect not only to surpass these figures, but also to make of the mining ecosystem an increasingly consolidated space for companies and innovators.

This discussion group was the starting point of the program, which will have a series of activities, such as the definition of challenges, matchmaking and the contest. The final round of the contest will take place within the framework of PERUMIN 35 in September 2022. For more information, write to:


PERUMIN Hub, the main open innovation program of the sector in the country, is born from the alliance between the IIMP and the Hub, institutions that are looking for a route towards positioning mining as an innovative sector through the facilitation, growth, consolidation and commercial take-off of innovations that respond to the challenges of the sector.

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