Lima, APRIL 13 2022 Mining regions of the central area of the country will be the focal point of analysis and discussion of Rumbo a PERUMIN

The Vice President of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers and President of Rumbo a PERUMIN, Dr. Miguel Cardozo, confirmed the execution of the program of conferences Rumbo a PERUMIN, from the 3rd to the 5th of May, which in this edition will focus on the mining regions of the central area of our country.

Junín, Pasco and Lima, will be the center of the analysis and debate as to the development of mining, its evident modernization process and its main challenges, the socio-economic reality and the opportunities for greater progress in these three mining departments of high relevance.

During 2021, Junín, Pasco, and Lima accounted, altogether, for 64.3% of the mining production of lead, 48.6% of the silver production, 44.1% of the zinc production and 14.6% of the national copper production.

Furthermore, they concentrated 14.4% of the total mining investment in Peru, which in money terms meant US$756,186,000; and generated more than 49,320 direct job positions, equivalent to 19.5% of the total population.

The central area of Peru has regions which had been experiencing a gradual change in the growth of its economy and poverty reduction; however, the pandemic represented a hard setback that modified the course of its development.

“We need to generate consensus among all actors of the national ecosystem to boost the development of the country’s central area and that implies active and inter-institutional collaboration between the State, the companies, the academia, and the local communities. The new chapter of Rumbo a PERUMIN aims at that”, said its President, Eng. Miguel Cardozo.

As in previous editions, within the framework of Rumbo a PERUMIN – Junín, Lima, and Pasco – Consensus for the progress of Central Peru, there will be keynote conferences and discussion boards with the participation of central and local authorities, business leaders and representatives of the civil society in virtual sessions.

To attend the activities of this important meeting, you must follow the official social networks of PERUMIN:

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