Lima, JUNE 22 2022 IIMP is fine-tuning the process to present the second mixed Mining Thursday on June 23

Lima, June 22, 2022. The first hybrid edition of the traditional Mining Thursday conferences will take place this coming June 23, at 7:00 p. m., announced Carlos Diez Canseco, general manager of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers.

This week, Mining Thursday will resume where the second session of Rumbo a PERUMIN – Southeastern Peru Edition left off. It will address the Apurímac, Cusco, and Puno road network, as well as its challenges and importance for macro-regional development.

This time, an in-person event will be held in the IIMP auditorium, with speaker Gabriel Daly, CONFIEP’s manager of economic policy and development; and moderator Guillermo Shinno, general manager of Anabi and Apumayo mining companies.

Simultaneously, the participation of a panel featuring Nicolás Luza, zonal coordinator of Provías in Puno; Eleazar Crucinta, rector of UNSA; and Zaida Tecsi, journalist for La República Cusco, will be shown on the screen of the auditorium.

It is worth noting that Rumbo a PERUMIN – Southeastern Peru Edition will keep livestreaming to the official platforms of IIMP and PERUMIN on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, for more people in Peru and the world to have access to the event.

“The first hybrid Mining Thursday in 2022 will take place both in our auditorium and on our social networks. This is a milestone on our road back to in-person activities,” said Carlos Diez Canseco.

To be part of the audience in the IIMP auditorium, please click on the following link:

About the IIMP

Under the presidency of Abraham Chahuán, the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers aims to contribute to the professional development of its members and to foster responsible practices in the mining sector.

IIMP has decentralized branches in Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Chiclayo, Huaraz, Huancayo, Ica, La Libertad, Moquegua, Trujillo, Piura, and Puno, with the purpose of decentralizing its activities and engaging students and professionals from other regions.

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