Lima, MAY 5 2022 Highlighting the importance of mining for the sustainable development of the country during the closing ceremony of Rumbo a PERUMIN – Central Peru Edition

Mining is essential for the decentralized development of the country. This was one of the key conclusions of the event Rumbo a PERUMIN, Central Peru Edition, which took place from May 03 to May 05, and which featured national and regional authorities, representatives of mining companies, professionals from the mining sector, scholars, among others.

During the closing ceremony, Claudia Cooper, president of PERUMIN 35, and Abraham Chahuán, president of the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP), summarized the key issues addressed during the conferences, which focused on the analysis of the regions of Pasco, Junín, and Lima provinces.

Claudia Cooper said that the event has showcased successful sustainable development practices implemented in the central regions of the country. “We have identified the turning points in matters concerning mining impact and potential, territorial development, competitiveness and sustainability, environmental liabilities, challenges and opportunities, among others,” she said.

On the other hand, IIMP’s president Abraham Chahuán underscored the openness with which events such as Rumbo a PERUMIN analyze and discuss social and environmental aspects related to the industry. “With the discussion of these topics, the information disseminated, and the academic and scientific support, we show that mining is the main economic activity in the country, and that its development is key to the well-being of our population,” stated Chahuán.

It is worth noting that the next edition of Rumbo a PERUMIN will take place in the city of Cusco, where a series of conferences will be held on July 06 - 07. Cusco has been chosen due to its important mining tradition and the need to foster the dialog around economic, social, and environmental issues concerning its development.

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