Lima, JULY 14 2022 Chamber of Commerce of Tacna requires tightened supervision to the use of S/ 849 million from fiscal redistribution (canon minero) received by the region

  • Corinne Flores, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tacna said that they are vigilant about the works and budget to execute in their region.

During the virtual conference of decentralized Rumbo a PERUMIN for the analysis of infrastructure progresses in Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna, Corinne Flores, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tacna, expressed that her institution remains vigilant about the works performed in her region, as well as those required to execute and put on the agenda.

Since Tacna has recently received S/ 849 million from fiscal redistribution (canon minero), Corinne Flores commented that the Chamber of Commerce of Tacna has a board of trustees who is vigilant about the works in the region and meets with the regional governor to share the projects they plan to leave on track.

“We have serious problems like not having a hospital; lots of money from the fiscal redistribution (canon minero) was invested for a hospital, but the work ended with complaints and addenda-related issues. Now, we should think about what we will do with the money received. We need to remain vigilant,” she indicated.

Lack of professionals

On the other hand, she emphasized the need Tacna has of professionals prepared to build projects that enable a good use of the public budget and generate significant benefits not only for her region but also for the neighboring regions.

“We observe an education gap, lack of training in preparing managers to make the profiles or projects to prevent them to be finally abandoned. In Tacna, there are no people to articulate the projects, being honest there is none in our region, we need to look outside the region,”, she said.

Thus, she asked the authorities to give priority to the technical workgroups over politics so that works really contributing to people’s wellbeing are executed.

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